Affordable Housing
Church & Charitable Foundations
Coal Mining
Import-Export Transactions
Leveraged Buy Outs
Limited Partnerships
Real Estate
Sport Teams Acquisitions
Tax Planning
Venture Capital & Private Equity
Wills, Trust, Estates and
Wealth Management
The Judge says
“Experience is the salt of advice”
“Having known Tommy for 20 years and having handled his personal and business banking, I have formed the opinion that he is a man of good character and integrity and is most capable in the field of real estate development”
“We presently have loans outstanding to Tommy and his projects totaling $ 6,110,000.00 and commitments for pending projects totaling $ 24.5 Million"
“Line of Credit: Tommy…”you may borrow the amount of Seventeen Million Seven Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($17,755,515.00) in the aggregate at Any Time”
Experience is the salt of advice.