The following sentence is required pursuant to Rule 7.2, Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct:
No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
Before viewing our site we call to your attention, the materials on this site are provided for convience and informational purposes only and are not represented to be correct, complete, comprehensive or current and the links contained on this web page are merely provided as a possible reference guide to other internet sites which might be of general interest to the viewer
The association nor any of its attorneys by virtue of this web page nor any referenced web page links herein, including but not limited to the pictures, images and text contained ,do not represent directly or indirectly to make any request or offer to solicit contributions, investment funds or investors or to sale, import or export any product real, personal or mixed, in general or specific or state or infer they are the legal counsel for any High School, University, International Educational Leadership Organization ,Church ,Hospital or Charitable Foundation or any Amateur, College or Professional Sports Team and any references or inferences in this web page or referenced web page links to any of the foregoing listed subjects or entities is intended solely to show the Associations knowledge, experience and legal ability in such matters based on its founders personal involvement therewith.
The association and its attorney members are ONLY licensed and authorized to practice law in the State of Alabama and the federal courts of the United States of America in accordance with the rules thereof. The association and its attorney members may only appear in other States or jurisdictions in an individual court case specifically authorized
In writing by the proper official of the applicable State or other court of competent jurisdiction
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based on advertising alone.
Before you decide to hire any lawyer ask that lawyer for written information about that lawyer's qualifications and experience."